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RDO OpenStack Packaging

Packaging overview

RDO produces two set of packages repositories:

  • RDO CloudSIG repositories provide packages of upstream point releases created through a controlled process using CentOS Community Build System. This is kind of "stable RDO".

  • RDO Trunk repositories provide packages of latest upstream code without any additional patches. New packages are created on each commit merged on upstream OpenStack projects.

Following diagram shows the global packaging process in RDO.

RDO packaging workflow

distgit - where the .spec file lives

distgit is a git repository which contains .spec file used for building a RPM package. It also contains other files needed for building source RPM such as patches to apply, init scripts etc.

RDO packages' distgit repos are hosted on and follow $PROJECT-distgit naming. You can navigate the full list of distgit repos using this link.

You can use rdopkg to clone a RDO package distgit and also setup related remotes:

$> rdopkg clone openstack-nova
Cloning distgit into ./openstack-nova/
git clone openstack-nova

Inspect package history using git:

$> cd openstack-nova
$> git checkout mitaka-rdo
$> git log --oneline
ded74f2 Add privsep-helper to nova sudoers file
55981cf Add python-microversion-parse dependency
39d576a Update .gitreview
4e53ad0 Add missing python-cryptography BuildRequires

See what rdopkg thinks about current distgit:

$> rdopkg pkgenv

Package:   openstack-nova
Version:   13.0.0
Upstream:  13.0.0
Tag style: X.Y.Z

Patches style:          review
Dist-git branch:        mitaka-rdo
Local patches branch:   mitaka-patches
Remote patches branch:  patches/mitaka-patches
Remote upstream branch: upstream/master
Patches chain:

Submit distgit changes for review:

$> rdopkg review-spec

Branches in distgits

Because of the different build tools used for RDO CloudSIG and Trunk repos and the differences in dependencies and content in packages for each OpenStack release, RDO maintains several branches in distgits:

  • rpm-<release>: is used to package RDO trunk (version can be master, mitaka or liberty )
  • <release>-rdo: is used for RDO CloudSIG.

There are a number of expected differences between the spec files in rpm-<release> and <release>-rdo branches:

  • For RDO trunk, packaging has had Version: and Release: fields both set to XXX as dlrn takes both of these from the tags set on the git repositories. For <release>-rdo branches they must be manually set to the right version and release.

  • %changelog section is empty in rpm-<release>.

  • Because we are packaging vanilla upstream code, patches aren't backported into the RDO Trunk repositories.

  • All of the specs in rpm-<release> branches contain a reference to %{upstream_version} in the %setup macro, this is because the subdirectory contained in the source tarball contains both the version and release, this is being passed into rpmbuild. In the Fedora packaging, spec can include compatibility macro e.g. Nova to avoid conflicts when backporting change from master packaging.

  • The files sources and .gitignore have been truncated in the master packaging

  • In %files avoid using %{version} and use instead wildcard *

rpm-master and rpm-master-head branches

As previously stated, the rpm-master branch is used to package RDO Trunk using the master source branch. However, There are two RDO Trunk builder building packages from that branch:

  • The main builder, which pins libraries and clients to the versions included in upper-constraints.

  • The master-head, that chases master in all packages, including libraries, clients, etc.

Initially, both builders use the rpm-master distgit branch. However, we may find an issue for a client or library in master-head that does not show up on the main builder yet. In those cases, we will create a temporary distgit branch called rpm-master-head, where the fix will be merged.

Having this temporary rpm-master-head branch will allow us to fix the build for the package, and once the change in the master repo reaches a tagged release used by the main builder, we can simply cherry-pick the change and remove the temporary branch.

Patches branch

Because we rebase often in RDO CloudSIG repos, manual management of patch files in distgit would be unbearable. That's why each distgit branch has an associated patches branch which contains upstream git tree with extra downstream patches on top.

A distgit can be automatically updated by rdopkg to include patches from associated patches branch and thus RPM patches are managed with git.

Individual RDO patches are maintained in form of gerrit reviews on


rdopkg is a command line tool that automates many operations on RDO packages including:

  • cloning package distgit and setting up remotes
  • introducing patches
  • rebases to new versions
  • sending changes for review
  • querying rdoinfo metadata
  • modifying .spec file: bumping versions, managing patches, writing changelog, producing meaningful commit messages, ...

rdopkg is a Swiss army knife of RDO packaging and it automates a number of repetitive and error prone processes involving several underlying tools, each with its own quirks.

Install rdopkg from Fedora/EPEL repos:

$> dnf install rdopkg

rdopkg source lives at but it's also mirrored to github.

Bugs are tracked as github issues.

Poke jruzicka on #rdo for help/hate/suggestions about rdopkg.

See also man rdopkg.

rdoinfo metadata

rdoinfo is a git repository containing RDO packaging metadata such as releases, packages, maintainers and more.

rdoinfo lives at and is also mirrored to github.

Most of the metadata is stored in rdo.yml and deps.yml, tags and buildsys-tags are stored in multiple YAML files as described below:

The files under tags and buildsys-tags directories are named based on names of tags and buildsys-tags, this is defined as follows:-

  • release: is a the OpenStack release name, as queens, rocky or stein.
  • tag: tag for which project is build, like queens, rocky, stein, train, train-uc, etc.
  • phase:
  • candidate phase is assigned to packages to be rebuilt in CBS but not pushed to any RDO repository.
  • el7-build (only available for Rocky and newer releases) is assigned to packages that only required to build other packages but are not a runtime requirement for any other package.
  • testing phase means that the package is used in deployments using RDO Trunk repo and published in a testing repo, but not official CloudSIG repository.
  • release phase means that is published in the official CloudSIG repository. This phase is only available after a RDO version has been officially released not for the one currently under development.

To query rdoinfo, use rdopkg info:

$> rdopkg info
$> rdopkg info openstack-nova
$> rdopkg info

To integrate rdoinfo in your software, use rdopkg.actionmods.rdoinfo module.


DLRN is a tool used to build RPM packages on each commit merged in a set of configurable git repositories. DLRN uses rdoinfo to retrieve the metadata and repositories associated with each project in RDO (code and distgit) and mock to carry out the actual build in an isolated environment.

DLRN is used to build the packages in RDO Trunk repositories that are available from

NVR for packages generated by DLRN follows some rules:

  • Version is set to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH of the next upstream version.
  • Release is 0.<timestamp>.<short commit hash>

For example openstack-neutron-8.1.1-0.20160531171125.ddfe09c.el7.centos.noarch.rpm.

RDO Trunk Packaging Guide

In RDO Trunk packages are built automatically by DLRN from .spec templates residing in rpm-master and rpm-$RELEASE distgits.

In order to build an RPM with the master packaging you'll need to install DLRN, following the instructions described in this README.


Once DLRN is installed, run dlrn for the package you are trying to build.

$> dlrn --config-file projects.ini --local --package-name openstack-cinder

This will clone the distgit for the project you're interested in into data/openstack-cinder_distro, you can now change this packaging and rerun the dlrn command in test your changes.

If you have locally changed the packaging make sure to include --dev in the command line. This switches dlrn into "dev mode" which causes it to preserve local changes to your packaging between runs so you can iterate on spec changes. It will also cause the most current public master repository to be installed in your build image(as some of its contents will be needed for dependencies) so that the packager doesn't have to build the entire set of packages.

The output from dlrn is a repository containing the packages you just built along with the most recent successfully built version of each package. To find the most recent repository follow the symbolic link ./data/repos/current

Submitting distgit changes to gerrit

When modifying spec files for RDO Trunk keep in mind the considerations shown in Branches in distgits and follow the recommendations in the RDO Packaging Guidelines. Once you are happy that you have your changes in distgit ready to be reviewed, create a git commit with an appropriate comment, add a git remote pointing to gerrit and then submit your patch

$> git review -s
$> git commit -p
$> git review rpm-master

Browsing gerrit for reviews

To look at all open patches for the upstream packaging simply use the this link and look for your desired project, for example openstack/cinder-distgit.

RDO CloudSIG Packaging Guide

Packaging files for CloudSIG repos live in $RELEASE-rdo branches of distgit. Patches can be introduced as needed through associated patches branch.

Initial repository setup

rdopkg clone takes care of getting the package distgit and also setting up all relevant git remotes defined in rdoinfo. Use -u/--review-user option to specify your github username if it differs from $USER.

$> rdopkg clone openstack-nova -u github-username
Cloning distgit into ./openstack-nova/
git clone openstack-nova
Adding patches remote...
git remote add patches
Adding upstream remote...
git remote add upstream git://

Check output of rdopkg pkgenv to see what rdopkg thinks about your package:

$> cd openstack-nova
$> git checkout mitaka-rdo
$> rdopkg pkgenv

Simple .spec fix

The simplest kind of change that doesn't introduce/remove patches or different source tarball.

  • Make required changes.
  • Bump Release.
  • Provide useful %changelog entry describing your change.
  • Commit the distgit changes with meaningful commit message.
  • Send the change for review.

Although this change is simple, rdopkg fix can still make some string manipulation for you. In following example, I add a new dependency to nova package:

$> cd openstack-nova
$> git checkout mitaka-rdo
$> rdopkg fix

Action required: Edit .spec file as needed and describe changes in changelog.

Once done, run `rdopkg -c` to continue.

$> vim openstack-nova.spec
# Add Requires line and describe the change in %changelog
$> rdopkg -c

After this, rdopkg generates new commit from the %changelog entry you provided and displays the diff:

    Epoch:            1
    Version:          13.0.0
   -Release:          1%{?dist}
   +Release:          2%{?dist}
    Summary:          OpenStack Compute (nova)


    Requires:         bridge-utils
    Requires:         sg3_utils
    Requires:         sysfsutils
   +Requires:         banana

    %description compute
    OpenStack Compute (codename Nova) is open source software designed to


   +* Mon May 09 2016 Jakub Ruzicka <> 1:13.0.0-2
   +- Require banana package for the lulz
    * Thu Apr  7 2016 Haïkel Guémar <> - 1:13.0.0-1
    - Upstream 13.0.0

Finally, send the changes for review:

$> rdopkg review-spec

Introducing/removing patches

See patches branch for introduction.

Following schema shows the workflow to maintain patches applied in the packaging process.

     |        upstream        |
     |  |
 git cherry-pick | rdopkg review-patch
     |      patches branch     |
     |  |
    rdopkg patch | rdopkg review-spec
     |        distgit          |
     |  |

First, use rdopkg get-patches to get a patches branch associated with current distgit, cherry pick your patch(es) on top, and send them for review with rdopkg review-patch:

$> git checkout mitaka-rdo
$> rdopkg get-patches
$> git cherry-pick YOUR_PATCH
$> rdopkg review-patch

Once the patch gets approved (not merged), you can tell rdopkg to update the distgit and send the .spec change for review:

$> git checkout mitaka-rdo
$> rdopkg patch
$> rdopkg review-spec

For more specific example, please see Introducing patches to RDO CloudSIG packages RDO blog post.

Rebasing on new version

tl;dr rdopkg new-version should take care of that:

$> git checkout mitaka-rdo
$> rdopkg new-version

or rdopkg new-version 1.2.3 to select specific version.

Inspect resulting distgit commit and if you need to adjust anything, use rdopkg amend to amend and regenerate commit message from changelog.

Finally, once happy with your change submit it for review with

$> rdopkg review-spec