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Workflow: Promotion pipeline

Promotion pipelines are composed by a set of related CI jobs that are executed for each supported OpenStack release to test the content of a specific RDO repository. For each OpenStack release Puppet promotion pipelines are proceeded, to validate RDO packages with OpenStack Puppet Modules and to promote the RDO packages used in upstream OpenStack Puppet modules check and gate jobs.

This pipeline run in parallel and is composed of different jobs.

The promotion workflow can be described with following schema:

  1. Define the repository to be tested. RDO Trunk repositories are identified by a hash based on the upstream commit of the last built package. The content of these repos doesn't change over time. When a promotion pipeline is launched, it grabs the latest consistent hash repo and sets it to be tested in the following phases.

  2. Deploy and test RDO. We run a set of jobs which deploy and test OpenStack using different installers and scenarios to ensure they behave as expected. Currently, there are following promotion testing method:

    • OpenStack Puppet scenarios. Project puppet-openstack-integration (a.k.a. p-o-i) maintains a set of Puppet manifests to deploy different OpenStack services combinations and configurations (scenarios) in a single server using OpenStack Puppet Modules, and run tempest smoke tests for the deployed services. The tested services on each scenario can be found in the README for p-o-i. These scenarios, together with Packstack deployment ones, are executed in puppet promotion pipelines to test new packages build in RDO Repos. Part of scenarios are currently tested in RDO CI as Packstack deployment.
  3. Repository and images promotion. When all jobs in the previous phase succeed, the tested repository is considered good and it is promoted so that users can use these packages:

Tools used in RDO CI

  • Jobs definitions are managed using Zuul, via a gerrit review workflow in
  • WeIRDO is the tool we use to run p-o-i and Packstack testing scenarios defined upstream inside RDO CI. It is composed of a set of ansible roles and playbooks that prepare the environment and deploy and test the installers using the testing scripts provided by the projects.
  • ARA is used to store and visualize the results of ansible playbook runs, making it easier to analize and troubleshoot them.


RDO runs the promotion pipelines in the CI infrastructure managed by Software Factory.

Handling issues in RDO CI

An important aspect of running RDO CI is properly managing the errors found in the jobs included in the promotion pipelines. The root cause of these issues sometimes is in the OpenStack upstream projects:

  • Some problems are not caught in devstack-based jobs running in upstream gates.
  • In some cases, new versions of OpenStack services require changes in the deployment tools

One of the contributions of RDO to upstream projects is to increase test coverage of the projects and help to identify the problems as soon as possible. When we find them, we report it upstream as Launchpad bugs and propose fixes when possible.

Status of promotion pipelines

If you are interested in the status of the promotion pipelines in RDO CI you can check:

  • Zuul pipelines status view can be used to see the result and status of each kind of puppet promotion pipeline and OpenStack release.

  • RDO Dashboard shows the overall status of RDO promotion pipelines.

More info