Ironic OverCloud Test


  • Install the undercloud as usual:
    • You can try it on both virtual and real bare metal environment.
      • For virt (running on virthost) make sure you can ssh root@ without password then:
      • git clone
      • bash tripleo-quickstart/ –no-clone –clean –config tripleo-quickstart/config/general_config/minimal.yml –teardown all –release stable/newton
      • This will stop after installing the undercloud, and we can continue with later steps on the undercloud with:
        • ssh -F ~/.quickstart/ssh.config.ansible undercloud
      • We need to upload images to glance before continuing though:
        • source stackrc; openstack overcloud image upload
    • Do not enroll all nodes you have in the undercloud, leave something for overcloud Ironic!
      • In order to split the nodes up we need a slightly modified version of instructions so we get just one node in each group:
        • jq '.nodes[0:1] | {nodes: .}' instackenv.json > undercloud.json
        • jq '.nodes[1:2] | {nodes: map({driver: .pm_type, name: .name, driver_info: {ssh_username: .pm_user, ssh_address: .pm_addr, ssh_key_contents: .pm_password, ssh_virt_type: "virsh"}, properties: {cpus: .cpu, cpu_arch: .arch, local_gb: .disk, memory_mb: .memory}, ports: .mac | map({address: .})})}' instackenv.json > overcloud-nodes.yaml
      • Then we only register the undercloud.json on the undercloud:
        • source stackrc; openstack baremetal import undercloud.json
  • Then follow
    • It has an example deployment test procedure in the end
    • Sample ironic-config.yaml provided below, but note that they don't allow virtual compute nodes!
      • looks like a tripleoclient bug, but even with below configs we need to pass '–compute-scale 0' if we only have one node registered
  • Join #openstack-ironic on Freenode, if you have problems with Ironic specifically (feel free to ping dtantsur there)
  • Document known issues and workarounds in

Simplest ironic-config.yaml (bare metal)

		- pxe_ipmitool
		- pxe_drac
		- pxe_ilo
	IronicCleaningDiskErase: 'metadata'
	ControllerCount: 1
	ComputeCount: 0

Note: feel free to remove IronicCleaningDiskErase if your machine supports ATA secure erase, or if you're fine with waiting for the disks to get shredded (the latter may take hours).

Simplest ironic-config.yaml (instack-virt-setup)

		- pxe_ssh
	IronicCleaningDiskErase: 'metadata'
	ControllerCount: 1
	ComputeCount: 0

Simplest ironic-config.yaml (tripleo-quickstart)

		- pxe_ssh
	IronicCleaningDiskErase: 'metadata'
	ControllerCount: 1
	ComputeCount: 0
		ironic::drivers::ssh::libvirt_uri: 'qemu:///session'